Carmen TDJ
Carmen Villafuerte de Anca is a spanish Tdj. She started as "musicalizadora" in 2005.
Musicaliza milongas in Seville, as well as in different Spanish cities.
In national tango festivals: Cadiz, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Seville, Zaragoza, Lugo,Mallorca, Bilbao, Santiago de Compostela, Orduña, Benidorm, Granada, Valencia.
In International Tango Festivals; Genoa, Bari, Milan, Porto. In National and International Marathons: Pamplona, Benidorm, Oporto, in Milongueros Meetings, etc...
When I make a milonga music, my main interest is to connect with the dancers generating a good atmosphere that encourages the desire to dance , as well as maintaining a good energy in the milonga, with the best possible quality, I can guide and inspire the dancers and thus achieve my goal at the end of each milonga: that the dancers enjoy a beautiful night and leave with tangos resonating in their head with the pleasant memory of the experiences lived.